The West Row Village Hall Foundation is a registered charity that was set up in 2016 as an incorporated version of its predecessor, the West Row Village Hall and Playing Fields Association. Here you can find out more about our history and trustees.
Our assets have been built up over many years through the hard work and generosity of many past and present village residents. The charity is managed by up to 15 trustees, all of whom are volunteers, some representing other village organisations, that together bring a diverse range of skills. We strive to maintain our current facilities to the highest standards, and endeavour to improve and increase them where such opportunities arise.
Our official object is “to further or benefit the residents of West Row and the surrounding areas, without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions by associating together the said residents and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to provide facilities, in the interests of social welfare, for recreation and leisure time occupation with the objective of improving the conditions of life for the residents”.
Foundation Trustees
Chairman: Gary Morley
Treasurer: Emma Harrison
Secretary: Karen Gallagher
Vice Chairman: Mark Garrard
Assistant Secretary: TBD
Other Trustees
Vicki Butler
Carol Bebee (Bowls Club representative)
Gerald Copsey
Danielle Edwards
Gaynor Fisher
Matthew Blay (West Row Gunners representative)
The trustees meet in on the first Monday of every other month. Our annual open meeting took place on Monday 4th March 2024.
For more information about us and to view copies of our annual accounts are available on the Charity Commission website.